The BART Foundation aims to promote better outcomes for brain injury survivors by answering three questions – which alternative therapies are likely to work, where can they be found, and how can they be afforded? One of the ways we fulfill our mission is by carefully watching global research and clinical trial outcomes and sharing that information, in user-friendly language, with the TBI/ABI community.
A new study recently published in the journal, Nutrients, has found that higher levels of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can lower the overall risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which the authors say could potentially help save billions of dollars in health care costs. Nutrients is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of human nutrition published semimonthly online. The outcomes associated with the study, written in more “reader-friendly” language, are available on the NutraIngredients website.
DHA is one of the most important omega-3 fatty acids and like most omega-3 fats, it’s linked to many health benefits. DHA plays a vital role in your brain and is absolutely crucial during pregnancy and infancy. Because your body can’t make DHA in significant amounts, you need to get it from a diet rich in seafood, such as fish and shellfish, or take a high-quality fish oil supplement.
Omega-3 fish oils are one of the safe, alternative therapies the BART Foundation believes may help brain injury survivors. Dr. Michael Lewis, a thought leader in this area of research, recommends only using fish oils that have been double distilled, and preferably reconstituted in their original triglyceride form. In a recent video interview with The BART Foundation, Dr. Lewis explains how Omega 3 oils help the brain recover. Dr. Lewis advocates for Omega-3’s use, under a physician’s supervision, as a treatment for a range of acquired brain injuries. Omega 3 oil supplementation is one of the safe alternative therapies that we at the BART Foundation believe may result in better outcomes for brain injury survivors.
Barlean’s Oils, a source of premium quality essential oils, has generously agreed to make its oils available at a steep discount to ABI survivors who find themselves on a tight budget. Details of this unique charitable program, including how one qualifies for the discount, are available from Barlean’s at 1-800-445-FLAX. Be sure to mention “The BART Foundation’s Discount” when you speak with a customer service representative.