Research and Education

As an educational foundation serving the ABI communities, the BART Foundation seeks:

  • To identify safe and relatively effective alternative therapies. (Defined here as outside of mainstream medical practice and not covered by insurance). This may involve canvassing of alternative clinicians and worldwide literature for therapies, evaluating the literature and evidence (scientific, clinical, and anecdotal), and assessing the strength of the putative therapy’s case.
  • To compile local guides of venues where survivors may obtain therapies. There is an urgent unmet need for guides to local, reliable services.  Often facilities, especially hospitals, will not treat ABI survivors in their HBOT facilities – since HBOT is off-label for ABI.  Likewise for other safe alternatives.
  • To advocate for and, if possible, negotiate reduced prices and partial scholarships. Some models include– The Patriot Clinic movement and the groups which facilitate free services to veterans.  Also, Barlean’s Oils has a program offering cancer survivors a steep discount on their fish and other oils.  We will explore such approaches on behalf of ABI survivors.