No Stone Unturned: A Fathers memoir of His son’s Encounter with Traumatic Brain Injury, Joel Goldstein (University of Nebraska Press, 2012)
When Brains Collide: What Every Athlete and Parent Should Know About the Prevention and Treatment of Concussions and Head Injuries, Dr. Michael Lewis, (Lioncrest Publishing, 2016)
The Oxygen Revolution, Third Edition: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: The Definitive Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) & Other Disorders, Dr. Paul Harch, (Hatherleigh Press, 2016)
The Neurofeedback Solution: How to Treat Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Stroke, PTSD, and More, Stephen Larsen, Ph.D.( Healing Arts Press, 2012)
Conquering Concussion: Healing TBI Symptoms with Neurofeedback and Without Drugs, Mary Lee Esty, Ph.D, (Round Earth Publishing, 2014)
The Brain’s Way of Healing: remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of neuroplasticity, Dr. Norman Doidge, (Viking Press, 2015)
CranioSacral Therapy: What It Is, How It Works, John E. Upledger, (North Atlantic Books, 2008)