Perry M. Perretz, D.O.


Board Member

Perry M. Perretz, D.O., first became interested in alternative health care as an undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania where he had an epiphany. A friend badly injured her ankle and was a candidate for knee and ankle surgery. By chance before the orthopedists could start cutting, she found an acupuncturist who successfully treated her injury without surgery, and even addressed some of the psychological roots of her condition. Seemed to Perretz that acupuncture was more comprehensive than anything we understand in western medicine because it does not separate mind and body. He figured “If there is a course of study that allows me to understand those mind-body relationships, I want to learn that.”

Perry enrolled in the program at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute in 1984, and began his career as an acupuncturist in 1987. After eight years of practice in eastern medicine, he saw that many patients were falling through the cracks in our health care system.
Inspired to serve people better as part of the medical establishment, he graduated from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1999, and completed his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Chicago in 2003. This was his introduction to treating brain injury. While a resident, he made attempts to include alternative treatments like HBOT and pulsed-frequency laser for his hospitalized patients, but he found the hospital administration was too intransigent to accept his proposals.

His private practice, called Advanced Pain Solutions, in Redding, Connecticut is dedicated to the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, featuring an eclectic mix of osteopathy, prolotherapy, acupuncture, and neural therapy.

Dr. Perretz has been a featured presenter for conferences of the New England Academy of Osteopathy, the Maine Association of Family Practice, the Eastern Athletic Trainers Association, the American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The North American Academy of Neural Therapy, and the Columbian Association of Neural Therapy, (ACOLTN).

He has lectured at the University of Bridgeport College of Nauropathic Medicine, Western Connecticut State University, Naugatuck Community College, and taught seven years as an adjunct faculty member for the Graduate Institute’s Master’s Program in Integrative Medicine.

He is a member of the American Osteopathic Association, the American Osteopathic Board of Physical Medicine, the American Academy of Osteopathy and the Cranial Society. He is past president of the North American Academy of Neural Therapy, and sits on the board of the BART Foundation.

Perry likes to think that he can play the saxophone, and is a big jazz enthusiast. His wife, Riye, is also an osteopathic physician. They have two children (who have yet to enter the profession).