Board Member
Michael Lewis, MD, MPH, MBA, FACPM, FACN, is one of America’s most trusted physicians. Board-certified and a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine and the American College of Nutrition, he is a retired Army Colonel who served our country for over 31 years. Lewis has advised professional athletes, top ranking military officials, and senior executives at the Department of Defense and the U.S. Government on brain optimization.
He is an internationally renowned physician, researcher, and speaker on brain health and the author of the bestselling When Brains Collide: What Every Athlete And Parent Should Know About The Prevention And Treatment of Concussions And Head Injuries (Lioncrest Publishing, 2016). He is also the founder of the 501(c)(3) non-profit, Brain Health Education and Research Institute, dedicated to helping patients with traumatic brain injuries recover as quickly and fully as possible and others how to optimize their brain health.
A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Tulane University School of Medicine, he completed post-graduate training at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University, and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
His private practice, BrainCARE, is in the Washington DC suburb, Potomac, Maryland, where he takes a comprehensive approach to concussion recovery, brain injury, ADHD, sports and cognitive performance, and brain health issues. His pioneering work in the military and since has helped thousands of people around the world. Dr. Lewis is a consultant to the U.S. Army and Navy as well as several organizations and companies around the world, a founding member of the Pop Warner Youth Football Medical Advisory Board, and a member of the Board of Directors for National Collegiate Rugby.
Dr. Lewis’ last position in his three decade long military career was as the Principal Investigator, Congressionally-mandated Longitudinal Study of TBI in OIF/OEF, where he brought his epidemiologic expertise to design ways to evaluate long term outcomes. Dr. Lewis also served as the Public Health expert for the Afghanistan National Army Health System; the DoD Nutritional Supplement Committee; and was the DoD’s subject matter expert on the use of omega-3 nutritional therapy for the prevention and treatment of head trauma.
Dr. Lewis was the DoD Global Emerging Infections Surveillance Program Director at the AFRIMS Research Laboratory in Bangkok, Thailand, where he established, developed, and coordinated a multi-million-dollar programs across eight countries in Asia with numerous governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Dr. Lewis graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, and the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, U.S. Army Airborne School, and U.S. Army Ranger School before serving as an intelligence officer in Infantry Divisions on the Demilitarized Zone in Korea and Fort Ord, California, for five years prior to attending medical school at Tulane University in New Orleans.
Following his residency training in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Dr. Lewis began a long period of international research and as a professor at the Uniformed Services University medical school. Dr. Lewis retired at the military rank of Colonel at the end of a distinguished 31-and-a-half-year career in the Army.
As a scientist and researcher, Dr. Lewis has published several dozen peer-reviewed manuscripts in the areas of omega-3 nutrition for head injuries, infectious diseases, tropical medicine, and large-scale outbreak investigations. He has authored chapters in several medical textbooks and presented over 100 abstracts at scientific and medical conferences all around the world.
While in training at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), he conceived and developed the ESSENCE program, the nation’s first and largest Syndrome-based Disease Outbreak Recognition System that supports the Military Health System, is the foundation for the National Bio-Sense Program, the CDC’s National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP), and surveillance programs at Johns Hopkins, Harvard, all state health departments, and many health departments around the world. His pioneering work started an entirely new field of epidemiology and led to the creation of The International Society for Disease Surveillance. Dr. Lewis has patents for the use of omega-3 fatty acids for traumatic brain injury including the development of an entirely new delivery system.