HBOT chamberDelmar, NY April 20, 2022 — The Stram Center for Integrative Medicine in Delmar, NY, announces a partnership with, a premier Veterans advocacy group, to become an affiliated treatment clinic. As a result, the Stram Center will offer no-cost hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans with diagnosed traumatic or acquired brain injuries (TBI/ABI). The Stram-TreatNOW partnership benefits brain-injured Veterans residing in New York’s Capital Region, Western Massachusetts, Southern Vermont, and the Adirondacks.

Both organizations are working to bring awareness to the role that TBI/ABI can play in the rise of suicide and substance use disorders experienced by military service members and Veterans. 

Stram Center logo“There is a new war that is raging within the minds of our Veterans – the enemy is different but no less lethal. In 2021, 75% of Veterans reported post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain-related injuries as a result of injury in service after September 11 [Elfein, 2022]. 

Adding insult to injury, our Nation’s heroes fight a new war at home with our healthcare system that knows mostly opiates for treatment. This has resulted in high opiate addiction rates and an alarming rise in suicide rates of Veterans, compared to the general population.

It is our mission to provide our patients with the tools that enhance their healing potential, and I am proud to announce this partnership as a mechanism of my dedication to improving the livelihood of our veterans.” – Dr. Ronald Stram MD.

HBOT is a safe, alternative therapy shown to speed recovery in brain injury survivors but rarely covered by insurance providers. As part of their advocacy work on behalf of Veterans and their families, TreatNOW compiles published research studies that demonstrate the safe and effective use of HBOT for use with TBI/ABI. As a result of their efforts, eight states have passed bills authorizing such funding. However, New York has not approved HBOT as a qualified treatment, meaning survivors and families must pay out of pocket.

TreatNow logoTreatNOW’s affiliated clinics number more than 130 across the U.S. and have collectively rehabilitated over 9,500 Veterans and active-duty military personnel. The addition of the Stram Center for Integrative Medicine as an affiliated clinic will bring no-cost HBOT treatment to the Capital Region’s Veterans community and provide a safe healthcare option to those with TBI/ABI.

Contact: Ronald L. Stram, MD
Office Phone: 518-6892244


About TreatNOW

Founded in 2009 by Dr. Robert Beckman, Former Secretary of the Army Martin R. Hoffmann, and other concerned former military personnel, The Coalition promotes brain healing treatments, including HBOT, and connects Veterans who have sustained concussions, TBI/ABI, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with free or low-cost treatment options.

About The Stram Center for Integrative Medicine, Delmar, NY

Founded in 2002 by Dr. Ronald Stram, the Stram Center for Integrative Medicine collaborates with medical doctors, licensed multi-disciplinary practitioners, nurses, and support staff, combining their diverse expertise in service to the well-being of patients, their families, and the community.