The BART Foundation aims to promote better outcomes for brain injury survivors by answering three questions: Which alternative therapies are likely to work, where can they be found, and how can they be afforded? We fulfill our mission by carefully monitoring global research and clinical trial outcomes and sharing that information in user-friendly language with the TBI/ABI community.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Traumatic Injury

Omega 3 oil supplementation is one of the safe alternative therapies that we at the BART Foundation believe may result in better outcomes for brain injury survivors. This recent research article, which appeared in the November 2024 issue of the journal Nutrients, is the work of researchers at the Centre for Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London. This News post offers a simplified, condensed version of the full article which can be read at: This article belongs to the Special Issue Omega-3 Fatty Acids throughout the Lifecycle: Innovative Advances for Prevention and Therapeutics.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Traumatic Injury in the Adult and Pediatric Brain

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to substantial disability and health loss. Despite its importance and impact worldwide, no treatment options are currently available to help protect or preserve brain structure and function following injury. In this review, we discuss the potential benefits of using omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (O3 PUFAs) as therapeutic agents in the context of TBI in the pediatric and adult populations.

The researchers behind this article reviewed preclinical and clinical research reports investigating the effects of O3 PUFA-based interventions on the consequences of TBI and compiled and discussed the evidence presented.

Overall, their research review indicates that high O3 PUFA levels help lessen the harmful effects of TBI by reducing tissue damage and cell loss, decreasing associated neuroinflammation and the immune response, and, in turn, moderating the severity of the associated neurological dysfunction. In conclusion, data from the studies reviewed indicate that O3 PUFAs could substantially alleviate the impact of traumatic injuries in the central nervous system, protect structure, and help restore function in both the immature and adult brains.

Figure 1. Neuropathological aspects of TBI are alleviated after omega-3 PUFA interventions. TBI leads to a number of changes in brain structure and function; some key changes are depicted in the figure (black). O3 PUFA compounds such as DHA or EPA modulate these injury-induced effects (blue), as indicated by preclinical studies in animal models of TBI, where a combination of histological markers, neuroimaging techniques, and behavioral analyses (brown) have been used to study each individual component (list of markers not exhaustive). 

Using Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Heal Brain Injuries

Omega-3 oils are widely available but not of uniform quality. Dr. Michael Lewis, a thought leader in this area of research and member of our advisory board, recommends only using fish oils that have been double distilled and preferably reconstituted in their original triglyceride form.

Barlean’s Oils, a source of premium quality essential oils, has generously agreed to make its oils available at a steep discount to ABI survivors who find themselves on a tight budget. Details of this unique charitable program, including how one qualifies for the discount, are available from Barlean’s at 1-800-445-FLAX. Be sure to mention “The BART Foundation’s Discount” when you speak with a customer service representative.

Working to bring this sort of discount program to life is part of the BART Foundation’s core mission. Barlean’s generosity and benevolence pays for the discount, for which we honor and salute them. Our foundation has no financial interest in and receives no compensation from Barlean’s.