Transcranial LED light therapy, sometimes called photobiomodulation, is one of the safe, alternative therapies the BART Foundation believes may help brain injury survivors. The BART Foundation aims to promote better outcomes for TBI/ABI survivors by answering three questions – which alternative therapies are likely to work, where can they be found, and how can they be afforded? One of the ways we fulfill our mission is by carefully watching global research and clinical trial outcomes and sharing that information, in user-friendly language, with the TBI/ABI community.
For those wanting more information about this emerging approach to brain healing, we’d like to share two additional resources beyond what is already mentioned on our website.
First off, Dr. Michael Hamblin is a thought leader in the field of photobiomodulation and has authored over 1,000 studies showing its effectiveness. Like HBOT, there are already some FDA-approved applications for this treatment, but currently, none of these include TBI/ABI. This thorough global review of the evidence supporting it as a therapy for TBI/ABI and related neurological conditions is worth the trouble of reading:
The next resource we encourage you to review is this 30-minute video presentation by Margaret Naeser Ph.D. Dr. Naeser is affiliated with the Boston VA Medical Center and is a Research Professor of Neurology at Boston University’s School of Medicine. Since 2009, she has studied the effect of red/near-infrared (NIR) light-emitting diodes (LED) placed over the scalp/brain to treat sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI), PTSD, stroke/Aphasia, Dementia, Gulf War Illness, and most recently, retired, Pro-Football players possibly developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). We have another video talk featuring Dr. Naeser on our Media page that is also worth watching.