The BART Foundation aims to promote better outcomes for brain injury survivors by answering three questions – which alternative therapies are likely to work, where can they be found, and how can they be afforded? One of the ways we fulfill our mission is by carefully watching global research and clinical trial outcomes and sharing that information in user-friendly language with the TBI/ABI community.

Today, we’d like to share the work of the HobbleJog Foundation, which helps to improve the quality of life for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Their primary focus is to support proven and innovative post-acute services that strengthen the independence, productivity, and well-being of TBI survivors. They provide funding to qualified organizations that provide post-acute services, including assistive technology, counseling resources, and other needed services.

Grants made by the HobbleJog Foundation help TBI survivors take advantage of post-acute care services, including but not limited to:

  • Technology services to assist in the regaining of memory, focus, and goal-setting functions.
  • Neuropsychological evaluation.
  • Adjustment counseling services.
  • Assistance locating medical care, housing, transportation, rehabilitation, and cognitive/behavior training.
  • Pre-vocational training.
  • Transitional home and community support.
  • Recreational activities, specifically for survivors of brain injury, family members, professionals, and the community.

All these services are provided to help traumatic brain injury survivors regain their independence and productivity, allowing many to return to school or the workforce.

We encourage all in the TBI/ABI community to review the HobbleJob Foundation’s mission, share within your networks, and get involved in their outreach efforts.

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